Do Not Miss These Four Types Of Prayer For Your Loved Ones And Yourself
When you read the book of Philippians 4:6, you learn people must pray about anything. Some people do not know where to start and what to do. You want to put others in prayers, but you always say ordinary prayers.
When praying for those facing atrocities in the Middle East, you might not understand or know how to intercede for them. Since you are confused on how to intercede, ask God to teach you how to go about offering these prayers. This is where you read your bible, including the Pauline Epistles. This verse talks about how Paul requested God for Philippians, Ephesians and Colossians. The prayers you make are for yourself and others. Whenever you beseech God using the above verses, the Holy Spirit comes down powerfully.
When praying in scripture at https://godtv.com/4-powerful-prayers/, you are in spirit and request God to do something directly. Your spirit guides you to pray for unknown things and people. If you love praying, try these four kinds of prayers to start with. These specific prayers are meant to be prayed for other people and yourself.
The Pauls prayer for Ephesians is a scripture from Epehsians1:16 to 20. You pray to God our Christ, father of glory to give the wisdom and revelation to understand you well. Enlighten my understanding eyes so that I hope and know all the riches of glory and inheritance. You exceed in the greatness of power you have and believe in as per your great power.
The second prayer that works comes from Ephesians 3:14 to 19. It states that father, I pray you to grant me the riches of the glory to be strong in my innermost and fill with tee Holy Spirit. Jesus, dwell in the heart by faith that I remain in love and comprehend the saints as I breath in depth and length as your love surpasses knowledge. Fill me with the fullness I deserved. Check this website at https://godtv.com/5-christian-owned-companies-godly-values/ for more info!
In Philippines 1:9 to 11, it is the Paul prayer on behalf of Philippians. It goes that I ask for love give to abound in knowledge and judgment, help me approve things which are good so that I become sincere without an offense, that you fill me with righteousness as of Christ for the lords’ glory.
In colosiaons1:9 to 12, it is the Pauls prayer on behalf of Colossians. It goes, lord, fill me with wisdom and spiritual understanding as per your will. Guide me to walk along with you as you please and make me fruitful in my work, and add my knowledge as per your glory and strengthen me in power. Thank father for making me the partaker in inheriting the saints as taught in GOD TV. For more facts and information about religions, go to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparative_religion.